Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cedar Rapids Review

I'm straight up gangster and in case you ponderin' I always keeps one in the chamber.

This is one of the funniest lines I've ever heard in a movie and it's just one of the funny lines from the movie Cedar Rapids.

Basically the story line in a fun way exposes the hypocrisy of Bible thumping businessmen and of course it's an allegory to all of those powerful holier than thou characters that seem to be inundating our life space these days. You know who they are: the wide stance senator in the Minneapolis airport men's room, or the Presidential candiadate with wives and mistresses who advocates frugality while having a multi million dollar line of credit at Tiffany's. Yeah, them. It's all about hypocrisy and selling out oh so cheaply.

The plot takes place in a hotel in the big city of Cedar Rapids where the insurance business is holding a convention that will announce an annual award to the winning insurance firm

We have Ed Helms (The Office, The Hangover) as the 40 year old virgin/non virgin rube having an unrequited love affair with his 7th grade teacher played ideally by Sigourney Weaver.

There is John C. Reilly the profane insurance salesman that the rube is warned by his boss to stay away from.

Anne Heche surprisingly has a meaty role in this movie and she is actually likeable as the soccer mom insurance salesman who's motto is whatever happens in Cedar Rapids stays in Cedar Rapids.

Lastly and the most funny is Isiah Whitlock Jr.(The Wire) who delivers my opening line in this review. He is the quiet bachelor insurance man who is involved in community theatre and  is a devoted fan in his words of the HBO series The Wire. He says he plays a pretty convincing Omar from the same series.

This is an adult comedy, thank goodness, and it made me laugh and empathize with these characters because thay are three dimensional and well developed.

Cedar Rapids fell under the radar but it is one of the best comedies and best movies I've seen this year.

See Richard Roeper's review foe some scenes.

Cedar Rapids Review -

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hi, I'm back.
I felt like writing more than 420 characters even if it doesn't get read.

Here's my latest thought.

They say wisdom comes with age, I hope so. I have some wisdom for you. Yesterday was Primary day and I was thinking about the state of politics today. In a nut shell, ALL POLITICIANS ARE LIARS. They will say what you want to hear, all of them, dems, repubs, indies ad infinitum. There is no third party in this country. Forget about this Tea party group, they've been infiltrated by the corrupt, and the wacked out right wing fundamentalist religious wing nuts. The corrupt are taking advantage of the fundamentalists zeal. I believe they think they are doing the correct thing for the country, but they cheer for giving tax breaks for the rich and repealing whatever little reform has been accomplished in health care and financial reform. It reminds me of Orwell's "1984". They're indoctrinated by some crazy ideas about their loss of freedom and socialism and fascism as if they were the same. Is Obama a communist fascist socialist? The answer is no, but he is a politician, and ALL POLTICIANS LIE.

Here is an example of the hypocrisy and the lies. The Gulf is dead and the seafood won't be safe to eat for years. There are scientists that are being silenced about this because of economics. Think, all that oil flowing into the Gulf and they want to put whatever is alive down there in the food chain. Why is the administration and the media, for the most part, being mum about this? Doesn't it seem odd? The news media will quickly change from one topic to another and we forget about the last topic and we dwell on the new one.

Getting back to the third party subject, forget about the tea party, it's compromised and has been infiltrated by the right.As soon as these tea party candidates get nominated or elected to office they will form with the Republican party leaders and vote the party line. Until there is an honest third party in this country formed by the Consumers Union or Common Cause or the Public Interest Research Group and has mass appeal the two parties will be the status quo and I fear for this country's future. Until we have real choices that are neither radical left or right we will have to hold our noses and vote for whomever is going to hurt us the least.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yes, it's a new year, but just as the old song goes, you can leave here for a few days in space, but when you return it's the same old place. The song is Eve of Destruction and the words aren't exact but you get the idea.
I'm not going to complain right now. Instead I'm going to tell you about some great movies I've seen over the last few weeks.

First, A Perfect Getaway. I was thrilled and surprised about this movie, because of the reviewers slamming it pretty badly, and it was the exact opposite for me. While I was watching it I thought about the first time I saw John McClane at the Nakatomi Plaza on Chrstmas Eve 1988 fighting the terrorists who turned out to be staging a robbery. I'm talking about the first Die Hard of course.  Timothy Olyphant, Milla Jovovich and Steve Zahn star. It may be a little predictable but they can easily make a franchise out of this and if their is no sequel I'll be as disappointed as no sequel to Eastern Promises.
Here's the point, if I see a movie that makes me forget the bs that usually goes through my head, it's a hit for me. This movie did that.

Spread, the Ashton Kutcher movie is pretty good. He's growing up and saying adult things lately. Good for him. There is nothing worse than wasted talent.  The movie's about a guy like himself, living off older women. It sort of made me happy that I was always short, squat and not particularly interesting looking. Ashton's director and writer pulled a bit of James Joyce symbolism at the end of the movie. While the credits are running they show Ashton feeding a mouse to a large African frog in a fish tank. The credits run while the frog eats the mouse. Is it that LA LA land eats the young people who arrive there on a regular basis seeking fame and fortune or dost I think too much??

The Man Who Never Was, great old  1950's WWII movie about a despicable thing the Brits did to fool the Nazis about the invasion of Sicily in 1943. They take a recently deceased young man, plant false papers on him, float him off the coast of Spain and the thriller begins. It's based on a true story written by the actual British Naval Intelligence officer who concocted the plan. This screenpaly would hold up today if there was a remake. I'm going to buy this DVD and send it to my wife's two English aunts. They would love this movie.

Up is basically a cartoon which Pixar developed to trick you into thinking it's a movie. This movie like WALL-E works with this technology. Up is basically a cartoon/movie for adults. I'll admit when I watch movies, I like to watch them in the dark because if the movie hits me in a certain way I cry. I probably have an extra or a missing  X or Y chromosome whichever causes this affliction. When Up went into a four minute discourse on the main charcter's and his wife's marriage I didn't stop crying and laughing until after the credits rolled.

That's it for this time. Next time I'll get to complaining. We have Sarah from Alaska, the woman in Troy that left her kids in the car that got jacked, the governor and client number 9 (where is he, now that we really need him),  and a host of other aholes and things on my demented mind.

Talk to you soon.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Bitch Today - 12/31/09

I'm not going to bitch today.
Today I'm going to talk about what I'm thankful for in 2009.
First, I'm thankful for all of my family and friends. I'm thankful that they were happy and healthy this year and I wish the same for them for the future, in 2010 and beyond.
I'm thankful for the following as well:

Barack Obama, not because of his politics or race, but because of not having to hear the previous occupant of the White House saying nucelar, it's NUCLEAR. So annoying.

Sarah Palin, for giving Tina Fey a great job opportunity on SNL, and for countless minutes of howling hilarious sound bites. I'm not a quitter that's why I resigned as governor, I have foreign policy experience because I can see Russia from Alaska etc. etc.

Carrie Prejean for almost the same as the mavericky one above. I love her sound bites like Donald Trump meeted her, hmmm. Larry King being inappropriate for asking her a softball question. She actually took her mic off.

George Bush for going away. Too bad he couldn't have taken the Dick with him. Dick Cheney I mean.

My wife and daughters. My daughters who I've seen grow into fine, intelligent, successful and strong young women who I'm very proud of. My wife for.... countless things she does every day. After 40 years I'm more in love with her than I ever was. I wish I could have her character and strength.

Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman, not because of politics but because of their vast never ending seriousness with a touch of wit that cracks me up and lifts my spirits through these crazy times.

Bill O'Reilly because of every year fighting his war on the secular progressives who won't say Merry Christmas. David Letterman once said to him that he (David) knew nothing about nothing and he thought Bill didn't either. Billo also has this thing about Levittown, L.I., where he grew up being a TOUGH neighborhood. He should have grew up where I did, on the western side of L.I., wearing a hat to school could get you beat up. He's also got this hilarious fancy about VietNam, he didn't enlist because the guys in his TOUGH neighborhood coming back told him, DON'T GO, IT'S A BAD WAR. All I can say is what bullshit. I'm glad I got that out of my system. Thanks.

Sean Hannity, who I wish would go away, but he's funny. Hillbilly meth lab women with 12 year old engaged daughters call him up because their mad about Obama's taxes on the rich. Great entertainment I can only stand for about 15 nminutes a day.

Glen Beck, do I have to say more. The people that watch him are enraged that Obamacare is going to cover, PETS??

Well, there's a lot more but I'll end here.
 HAPPY NEW YEAR to all and let's hope 2010 brings peace and prosperity to us all.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Bitch Today - 12/30/09

Watch out for that Senate Health Care bill.  The Senate crazies would like to fill the coffers of BIG BUSINESS INSURANCE with money from teachers, policeman, fireman, retirees and all kinds of working people that worked hard for their benefits. The Senate plan allows the owners of so called Cadillac health plans to happily pay a 40% surtax on the cost of the benefit. Thanks guys, but no thanks.
The House bill calls for taxes on individuals making $250,000 and families with an income of $500,000 to be taxed extra on their incomes. As my father would say, " better you than me". Well, ___  yes.
We'll see what takes place when the Gods in the Senate and the hoi polloi in the House return. Should be great drama when the game is afoot.